Greetings! My name is Adrienne, and I am a former educator turned Herbalist and Chakra Healer. As a lifelong learner, I obtained a Bachelor of Science in General Studies with a concentration in Psychology, Family and Consumer Science, and Criminal Justice.  I went on to obtain a Master of Education in Educational Administration, and later a Master of Education in School Counseling. I have spent many years in the roles of teacher and counselor, but in 2020 made the decision to walk away from education to pursue a career more aligned with my spiritual path.

My most important job is being a mother to five beautiful children, but there was a time in 2016 when I could barely function in that role. I was suddenly diagnosed with a viral case of pericarditis (heart disease), Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and pre-diabetes all at once. After being placed on bed rest for two months and going from doctor to doctor with no resolve, I began to research natural healing modalities. Herbs became an integral part of my healing process as I began to experiment with different herbal tea mixtures. I've been healing ever since, the natural way!  After seeing and feeling such great results, it became my duty to share my healing journey with others who may be experiencing the same issues. In 2018, my oldest daughter Kaitlynn and I opened an online wellness tea shop, Bea’s Wellness Teas LLC. Bea's offered 18 different herbal tea blends that targeted many common wellness concerns, but it didn’t stop there. While Bea's is no longer in business, I am working to incorporate the healing power of herbs in other ways. 

In 2019,  I had a major spiritual awakening and experienced many things that I didn’t understand.  My spirit team led me to Professor Melanie: The Spirit Doula, and through the teachings of her inaugural Spiritual Ascension University group, I was able to truly figure out her purpose, soul mission, and spiritual gifts.  I was able to understand that all of my life experiences were meant to move me in the direction of my purpose.  I learned that my purpose is to teach others how to find spiritual and physical harmony through balancing the chakras.

I have experienced (and continue to experience) the absolute most on this journey, but that is how I learn.  I then am able to share what I learn with others to empower them to heal themselves as well. I  am so excited and honored to assist you on your spiritual path!